



Private Chromotherapy Sessions

Private Chromotherapy Sessions are given by appointment

The location is chosen upon common agreement,
according to circumstances

The Private Chromotherapy Session (60 to 90 minutes per Session):

A short sharing takes place before the Session itself.

Tell me if you have, at that time, a particular health problem or disease.

During the Session you lie or sit, and stay quiet. It is not a problem if you fall asleep.

Another sharing will take place at the end of the Session.

According to the circumstances, and to your wishes, you may receive several Chromotherapy Sessions, either spread over several consecutive days, or once a week, or once or twice a month over a longer period.

Note that if you have received a Private Session, it is possible to continue the treatment with Distance Sessions. Please consult the Distance Sessions page.

Chromotherapy Sessions do not replace a medical treatment.

Site créé par Pierre Wittmann